Fret Shop Relocation

Today the Fretshop has a special announcement. In the 1980’s, I began repairing guitars in my home shop.  In the late 80’s I began a 10 year stint as the repair man at Cowtown Guitars in North Columbus.  In 1997, I founded Fifth Avenue Fret Shop to build, restore, and repair guitars. I remained in the same location for 23 years. At the end of 2020 I find myself at the conclusion of a long term lease.

In this era of virus shutdowns and commerce restrictions, coupled with the changing retail landscape, I am choosing to leave that storefront and move the repair shop back into my home where I started. Retail operations will cease and the guitar repair and restoration work will return to being the top priority.  In moving I now have the ability to make long overdue efficiency upgrades in equipment and shop layout. This will make repairs move through the shop quicker. Instruments will stop being accepted in the storefront shop after October 31 2020.

November through February will be transition months with repairs being accepted in the new home shop in early March 2021.  Consultations, drop off and pick up will be by appointment. I do appreciate all my loyal customers and hope you’ll find your way into my Central Clintonville home shop in 2021.